Keeva Stratton
Television personality and former Australian model, Chloe Maxwell, has seen the damaging
effects of premature aging from smoking, first hand – but thankfully, only
through digital enhancement. The former smoker volunteered for her image to be
digitally altered through software now being used by Curtin University, Western
Australia – which simulates and portrays the effects smoking has on a person’s
by a desire to be healthy for her young family, and with their support, Chloe
has recently kicked the habit for good. ‘It took quite a few attempts before I
gave up, but as soon as I knew I wanted to have children that gave me the
willpower. I had a great amount of family support. My quit journey was also
easier with the help of Nicabate patches and lozenges,’ she said.
profession where smoking is rife, social occasions proved to be her biggest
challenge. She observed, ‘being around other smokers in a social environment,
it was hard to break the habit of smoking.’
to stay thin, and can be particularly popular amongst the modeling community.
For those who are dissuaded to quit because of weight concerns, Chloe has some
good news. ‘It really depends on how each individual replaces cigarettes and
how you respond to the cravings. I think exercise is the best option, although
I don’t mind the odd chocolate. It’s much better than a cigarette!’
smoking, women are still risking their health. ‘We live in a very image
conscious society and a lot of the health warnings just aren’t working. Maybe
if young people are able to see how smoking can affect you physically, it may
steer them away from starting in the first place,’ Chloe said.
positive effect quitting has had. ‘Being smoke free has increased my fitness
and I am much healthier. My sense of smell and taste has improved and just
generally knowing that I am going to be around longer for my kids. I have more
colour in my cheeks and I feel much more healthy and fit.’
Now a Turn-off
being glamorous, the appalling health effects and unpleasant smell has finally
shifted perceptions. A recent Nicabate study showed that over 80% of
non-smokers believe it is not sexy to
smoke, and that what makes smokers most unattractive is the smell.
being beautiful, actually causes irreversible damage to the skin and rapidly
enhances the aging process – with women affected to a greater degree than men.
Ugly Truth
Research suggests smokers who indulge
in more than 20 cigarettes a day are three times more likely to wrinkle
prematurely than a non-smoker. Female
smokers can expect to develop deep grooved crow’s feet, vertical furrows above
the lips, broken capillaries, thinning skin and a grey hue to their complexion.
Not a pretty picture at all.
May 31, is Nicabate World No Tobacco Day, the perfect time to start your
quitting journey.
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