By Jenna Black
The thought of walking into a luxury store like Chanel or Prada may seem like a daunting task for many shoppers. Although we may view the luxury industry as a tight knit world, where only the rich and elite shop, it doesn’t have to be that way if you know how to go about it properly.
When it comes to knowing the world of luxury goods, it’s best to take advice from an expert. Melinda O’Rourke, founder and director of Sydney based management firm, MO Luxury, has let us in on the best insider tips that will have you shopping and travelling with style in no time.
How to get VIP treatment in the luxury industry
Shopping with style and sophistication
Let’s face it, if your usual shopping stop offs don’t include Hermes, Louis Vuitton or Gucci, the thought of venturing insider the prestigious stores can be a mix of excitement and anxiety. But as Melinda notes, we should ‘walk in that security manned door tall and quietly confident’, because we all deserve to be treated to the luxury experience of high end shopping.
Melinda suggests the following fail safe tips for shopping in a luxury store:
• Be yourself and relax. The staff don’t know if you have $10 or $10,000 in your purse, and you shouldn’t give it away either!
• Don’t apologise for browsing and taking your time to look at the luxury goods. This is your right, whether it is your first well earned luxury purchase or your tenth.
• Take in the ambience of the store, and the fine details. Staff should introduce themselves to you, however if that hasn’t eventuated early in the shopping experience, introduce yourself to a target staff member and create a relationship. The client experience is essential to creating or deepening a brands legacy, and the staff will likely inform you of upcoming collections, names or styles.
Melinda O’Rourke
How to get invited to VIP sale nights
As Melinda suggests, ‘it’s all about the relationship’ and the best way to get invited to a VIP sale night is to become a friend of the brand. This is best established through becoming a regular browser, and working on that relationship with a staff member. Melinda suggests asking to be put on the mailing list, which will keep you abreast of new seasonal launches and keep you on the brands radar.
Experience VIP treatment in the beauty industry
Melinda’s key tip on receiving VIP treatment when shopping for cosmetics and beauty is to ‘ask for advice’. It’s ideal to research what products you are after, and then head in store for some expert advice, deeming you a serious shopper on a mission. Melinda notes ‘the staff will not only indulge you with the product information you require, but with interesting brand stories and anecdotes too.’ What all great beauty consultants do too is take down your details to keep you informed of new product launches and information.
Tips on experiencing travel in luxury
Although nothing is ever guaranteed in the travel stakes, Melinda’s key point of advice is simple yet effective; be sincere, friendly and smile. Being a weary, moody traveller won’t get us anywhere, but as Melinda suggests, ‘if you are a delightful person, it stands to reason 99.9% of the time staff are going to do their best to see what they can do for you’, be it from an upgraded seat to added extras on board your flight. It’s also worth asking if there are any other seats up the front, you never know when you will experience a luxury surprise for little effort.
For daily luxury industry news, you can read the MO Luxury blog here.