Forgiveness: How can we forgive people who have wronged us and move on? It’s difficult and sometimes seems unfair, Expert Psychic Bella Gill shows us how.
By Bella Gill; Psychic, Medium and Healer
Resentment is only hurting you! We’ve all heard it before, and its true, sooooo true! But that doesnt mean its always easy to find a path to forgive.
Many of us struggle day to day with a nagging voice in our heads that continues to rant on at us about why we have good reason to not forgive, or why our anger or resentment is justified.
There are always two sides to a story, but the damage we do to ourselves by carrying the weight of resentment around is never worth it. The other side to this is the energy you are directing at another person when your sending out negative vibes, you may feel completely within your right to dish it out, but unfortunately what we send out always finds it’s way back to us. SO, this is where forgiveness comes into it.
Try a forgiveness prayer or create a little ritual with an affirmation that helps, ( Louise Hay has some great affirmations for this!). Whenever you think of the person or situation that your struggling with, instead of allowing the rant in your head to take charge, direct your energy towards forgiving them. See them at their best, focus on the things about them that are positive, that you have loved or enjoyed.
Yes, I know its a big ask for some of you, and that you may have been deeply hurt by someone, or something that has happened. BUT, the quickest way out of that jail, is to direct better feeling thoughts in their direction, which is exactly how you will feel better too.
Another option is a gratitude list. Write down 5 things about the person or situation that your grateful for. It can take time to forgive, but its always worth it. Keep at it, even if you feel like your not making progress. Let go of the need to be right, at the end of the day, we will all be wrong and right many times in our lives, but its not going to be what makes the difference.
Thats the key to moving on, you have to move through the issue by letting it go, then your free, and you never know what amazing things the universe can deliver to you then. I find it can also help to read information that supports forgiveness, get back into the vortex of good feeling thoughts and watch how quickly things change!
Sending love and blessings.