Lucky for you Cancer, you are about to get a very lucky break when it comes to your most important relationships, personal and professional. Things can improve now. A wish could even come true. Just don’t be afraid to speak up. Work-wise in particular, things make more sense next month.
Meanwhile, Mercury is going to go into another reverse cycle this month. It starts on March 12, in the sign of Aries. This means that if you have holiday plans you want to get sorted out, this is the time to get sorting – before the reverse cycle! When I was first learning about astrology, I remember one sage telling me that Mercury retrograde was all in my mind. And given that we create our reality with our thoughts, perhaps he’s right! However I know that holidays I’ve actually booked while Mercury was going backwards have tended to go a little mad! So just to be on the safe side…!
Here is how the Mercury reverse cycle will affect you between now and March 23. Tune into my site after that for more info about what’s going to happen next! This is not a ploy to get you to my site (not really!) but the thing is that as of March 23, Mercury then goes back into Pisces, so a whole new part of your chart will be touched. To put that info up here now feels like a one-way ticket to Mercury retro madness!
So between now and March 23 – here is the Mercury rx news:
Mercury will be going backwards in your 10th House. This is the part of your chart that is connected to your career and social standing. When Mercury goes backwards here you can expect to be doing some rethinking and reconsidering re your public face and your career and professional standing – and there could also be some confusion. Take extra care around the office (or wherever you work) and be sure that silly mistakes don’t mar your performance. That’s the possible downside of this cycle – little errors. The upside is that you are in a position to rethink your ambitions now. Are you happy with your job direction or is it time to start looking around for something new, with more benefits which suit you? For some, there are career advancement delays. Some of you will be able to renegotiate your work terms and conditions – eg: adding flex-time to your arrangements. For others there will be long overdue rewards for a job well done, be they financial, a welcome pat on the back, or even a tempting job offer from elsewhere. The key with Mercury retrograde is always to let the cycle unfold without making any major decisions, if you can. Mercury retrograde usually leads to more information being sent your way so it’s best to way and see what transpires before you act. The cycle ends on April 4.
Overall – your message for the month: I drew you a Doreen Virtue Goddess Guidance Cards: Your message is: “You are supplied for today and all your tomorrows.” Sweet!
For your Daily Horoscope, please visit Yasmin Boland’s Moonology.