Just FYI … The April 2012
Full Moon takes place in Libra on:
Sydney – April 7 @ 5.18am AEST
Auckland – April 7 @ 7.18am NZT
New York – April 6 @ 3.18pm EDT
London – April 6 @ 8.18pm BST
The Full Moon is taking place in your 10th House: If you’ve been hiding yourself away and generally keeping a low profile, watch out! The skies are suggesting rather loudly that it’s time for you to step out of the shadows and back into the limelight. As tempting as it might be to slouch around at home, this Full Moon in your 10th House of Career is telling you it’s time to invest some emotional energy into your professional life. Even if your work has been the source of annoyance lately, don’t give up. For some, a work situation or project comes to an end now. Don’t panic. Remember, the Universe abhors a vacuum and something new will come in, in its place, soon enough. How committed are you to your goals?
The April 2012 New Moon takes place in Taurus on:
Sydney – April 21 @ 5.18pm AEST
Auckland – April 21 @ 7.18pm NZT
New York – April 21 @ 3.18am EDT
London – April 21 @ 8.18am BST
More about the New Moon as it unfolds on www.moonology.com – come and say hi!
You also need to know that …
There could be some radical changes connected to your family or home this month. If that’s what you actually want, then make it happen. And if you were sort of hoping for peace and quiet in your personal life? Not a chance! Live and let live, for best results. Romantically, there’s a new day dawning.
Regarding Mercury retrograde…
At long last, Mercury, the planet of communications will start going forwards again – On April 4. So things which haven’t really been working should start to! For you, Mercury has been going backwards in your THIRD HOUSE of communications, neighbours and siblings. If you’ve been having dramas or issues in any of those areas, now you know why! This weekend, as Mercury changes directions, you can expect (or at least allow for the possibility) one last blast of mayhem. And after that? It’s smoother sailing. Getting your message through to people will be easier. You will receive fewer mixed messages. Upsets with neighbours and siblings can be resolved. Overall, you can expect that life will be easier to handle in every way.
Overall – your message for the month: I drew you a Doreen Virtue Goddess Guidance Cards: Your message is: “You are experiencing enormous change right now, which brings great blessings.”
For your Daily Horoscope, please visit Yasmin Boland’s moonology