Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas have reunited after six months of separation, Michelle Pfeiffer was formerly a member of a cult, and Justin Bieber has been a bad boy (again).
By Che-Marie Trigg
Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas Reunited
After their separation six months ago, it appears that Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones have reunited.
Sources have revealed that Catherine has moved back into the couple’s New York apartment, and that their relationship is on the “up and up.”
Michael was spotted wearing his wedding ring at the premiere of his latest film, Last Vegas. Catherine reportedly called him as he walked the red carpet, and he told reporters that he needed “to answer a very important call.”
She apparently wished him luck at the premiere, and he told her “thanks honey,” before hanging up.
He was later heard telling friends at the after-party that the pair “are doing great,” and that Catherine is “better than ever.”
Michael told Jay Leno earlier in the week that he has “been away for a while but everything should hopefully be on the up and up.”
“Sometimes people take a little bit of a break, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the end. I’m very hopeful,” he said.
The couple have been together for thirteen years, and have two children.
Image: The Mirror
Michelle Pfeiffer’s Cult Experience
Actress Michelle Pfeiffer has admitted in an interview that she was formerly a member of a cult that believed humans could exist only on sunlight.
Michelle, who has starred in movies such as Dangerous Liasions, Batman Returns and I Am Sam, revealed that she joined the cult at the beginning of her Hollywood career.
The cult placed her on a breatharian diet- whose adherents believe you can live without food and water- and encouraged her to attend as often as possible. She says this was “financially very draining,” given that she had to pay every time she visited.
Michelle says she only realised what she was part of when her first husband, Peter Horton, was researching the Moonies, a quasi-Christian cult organisation.
“We were talking with an ex-Moonie and he was describing the psychological manipulation and I just clicked,” she said.
Pfieffer also spoke about plastic surgery in the interview, revealing that although she hasn’t gone under the knife herself, she was finding the process of ageing difficult.
“The loss of youth, the loss of beauty – it definitely plays havoc with your psyche,” she admitted.
We love an honest celebrity!
Image: The Telegraph
Justin Bieber’s Strip Club Visit
Justin Bieber has been a naughty boy lately! Last week a Panamanian hooker told newspapers that Bieber paid her US$500 for sex after they met in a nightclub, and now it is alleged that he has made a less than discreet visit to a Brazilian brothel.
The nineteen year old pop star and a friend spent three hours at the brothel in Rio de Janeiro, before attempting to stealthily sneak out, covered in a white sheet and joined by two prostitutes.
He was driven away in the back of a car, while the two women were taken to his hotel in SUVs.
Later, Bieber was kicked out of the same hotel for breaking the house rules. The former tween star and his entourage had apparently been partying for days, doing drugs and disturbing fellow patrons.
While Justin’s people claim that he left for security reasons, hotel sources have confirmed that he was asked to leave.
Biebs has sure come a long way since his squeaky-clean pop idol days of yore— and we have to say, he wasn’t fooling anybody in that sheet!
Image: New York Times