According to the good folk at Johnson’s, only one in four Australian women bother to moisturise their bodies. In Europe, body care is right up there with make-up and moisturiser and in summer, we usually remember to at least put on sunscreen which offers some kind of hydration to parched body skin. So why in our harsh climate and with so many of us exposing limbs throughout the year, do we neglect the biggest organ in our body?
For many of us, it’s probably down to cost and not valuing the skin on our bottom as much as the skin on our face when it comes to parting with cash. Isn’t it lovely to know then that Johnson’s 24 Hour Body Moisture, a formula that is rich in shea butter, jojoba oil and vitamin E is a bargain for for just under half a litre of deep moisturising goodness. I promise it takes less than a minute to slather on this hydrating, quick absorbing, neutral scented body lotion, but the reward is delicately perfumed, baby smooth skin that lasts for an entire day.
A quick tip: if you are fond of opaque tights and pants throughout winter, you probably look like a lizard beneath the layers. You absolutely must make it your mission between now and August, just prior to body baring outfits, to moisturise religiously, every day after you shower or bathe. It will make your skin more supple, your body more touchable and frankly, it’s the best anti-ageing step you can take for $6.99!! 400ml $6.99, available nationally.