Aussie glamazon, Erica Heynatz has recently been announced as the face of eco-beauty brand AVEDA on their annual ‘Walk for Water’ campaign on April 23rd, 2012.
Media personality, model, singer and actress, Erica Heynatz has taken on the brand new role as face of AVEDA where she will front the ‘Walk for Water’ campaign in Aveda’s 2012 Earth Month in which more than 30 countries around the globe seek to raise US$4.5 million for awareness and protection of clean water.
Erika will be joined by television host and landscape architect Brendan Moar, along with a number of other Australian media personalities.
Heynatz said of the campaign,”To walk with purpose is a truly great feeling. This month I join Aveda’s Walk for Water as their ambassador as a part of their Earth Month initiative. How is this walk any different to my usual trot around the block in the hopes of burning a few calories, catching up on some gossip with a friend and sucking in some fresh air? I’ll be joining a network of water warriors, all around the world, who will walk 6 kilometers, symbolic of the average distance women in developing countries walk each day to collect water for their families.”
Heynatz has urged the rest of us to join her on a 6km walk between Bronte and Bondi Beach in Sydney on April 23rd.
Aveda’s Walk for Water takes place on Monday, April 23.
For more information about walks and online donations, and locally-sponsored initiatives, guests can visit