As we head further into winter, we turn to carb packed, fattier foods to stay warm. Why? It’s not only the cold that drives us to hot soups and delicious pastas it also relies upon outsider influences including a lack of sunlight, which leads to increased appetite and carbohydrate cravings!
Glamour Kim Kardashian has said her diet goal is “to eat better. I want to eat more proteins. I eat too many carbs, too many sugars – all the good stuff” – don’t we all! Cutting out carbs throughout winter may seem like a daunting task that will make us run back to our tracksuits and shapeless clothing, but it doesn’t have to be so scary.
While you shouldn’t cut out carbs completely over winter (they are important for health and a focused mind) there are a number of ways to swap your carbs for some healthier options.
1. Swap your white breads and bagels for whole grain bread. White breads raise your blood sugars and strip the fibre that helps you stay thin. Instead, select whole grains that digest more slowly and reduce your risk of heart disease. If you simply can’t resist a bagel on a cold morning, try eating just half, and mix it with some protein too- like a light spread of low fat yoghurt or banana.
2. Can’t resist hot junk food through winter like hot chips? Test your willpower and opt for a healthier option, like roasted sweet potato, which is super tasty and low GI!
3. If white rice is your weakness, try a healthy alternative of cous cous. Whilst cous cous is still a carb, it’s on the lower end of the glycemic index and breaks down slower, meaning you feel full for longer. There are also so many delicious flavours available, there is a good chance you will end up loving it more than white rice.
4. Tempted to grab that hot muffin with your cup of coffee? Opt for a healthier option like these delicious parmesan spinach cakes- they are easy to make and a healthy option for comfort food.
5. Not getting enough vegetables during the colder months? Hearty soups are an easy way to get your daily veggie fix. They are a great dinner alternative instead of carb packed pasta meals and will keep you healthy and warm on those indoor days.
If you are after some more delicious and nutritious food ideas, check out the below advice from RESCU’S resident nutritionist Zoe Bingley Pullin:
Want more tasty recipes? Head to the below links for all of your healthy eating ideas from the Six Senses team: