Just FYI …
The April 2012 Full Moon takes place in Libra on:
Sydney – April 7 @ 5.18am AEST
Auckland – April 7 @ 7.18am NZT
New York – April 6 @ 3.18pm EDT
London – April 6 @ 8.18pm BST
The Full Moon is taking place in your 5th House: There’s a whole lot of emotion going on in your chart now and therefore most probably your life! The Full Moon is taking place in your 5th House of Self-Expression. For some, it’s all about pouring your heart out – perhaps because you’re sad, perhaps just because you have a lot of emotions to download! For others, it’s about the joy that a child (your own or someone else’s) brings you. And for others, it’s about pouring emotion into a creative project you’re working on. And between all this, you need to find a balance between your Self and your friends. Don’t neglect them totally! This is your challenge for the coming month.
The April 2012 New Moon takes place in Taurus on:
Sydney – April 21 @ 5.18pm AEST
Auckland – April 21 @ 7.18pm NZT
New York – April 21 @ 3.18am EDT
London – April 21 @ 8.18am BST
More about the New Moon as it unfolds on www.moonology.com – come and say hi!
You also need to know that …
You have pretty intense personal Stars now, so if things are already edgy with a friend, go easy. On one hand it’s a really good time to speak your mind boldly and turn things around. On the other, if you go too hard, you could actually end up doing more harm than good, so tread smartly.
Regarding Mercury retrograde…
I’m happy to report that Mercury, the planet of communications will start going forwards again On April 4. Expect fewer people misunderstandings! For you, Mercury has been going backwards in your TENTH HOUSE of career. If you’ve been going round the houses at work, making silly mistakes, enduring upsets with colleagues or co-workers and generally wishing you could get away from it all to a place where you don’t need to go to the office, that was Mercury retrograde for you! This weekend, as Mercury changes directions, you can expect (or at least allow for the possibility) one last blast of mayhem. And after that? It’ll be easier to think straight. If you’ve been rethinking your career strategy over the past few weeks, it’s almost time to implement your new plans.
Overall – your message for the month: I drew you a Doreen Virtue Goddess Guidance Cards: Your message is: “There is no need to worry. Everything is working out beautifully.”
For your Daily Horoscope, please visit Yasmin Boland’s moonology