As cold and flu season approaches, we talk to Sydney-based homeopath Maryanne Logan about what homeopathy is, and how we can use it to stay healthy and happy. She also reveals the homeopathic medicine we should include in our first aid kit.
RESCU: What are some preventative holistic steps we can take to avoid colds and also the dreaded flu this winter?
Maryanne Logan:
• “Start winter in good physical condition with good fitness habits/routines, good eating habits and make sure you are getting enough sleep. Being fit, well rested and well nourished will go a long way towards ensuring a strong immune system.
• Include foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges into your diet and use supplements if you aren’t able to physically eat the right foods.
• Folk lores talk of the therapeutic benefits of a clove of garlic being swallowed weekly to prevent the flu. Oscillococcinum (homeopathic medicine for flu) tastes much better than garlic and the French take one dose weekly as a preventative during the flu season. Cooking with garlic will give additional protection.
• Keep warm and dry.”
RESCU: How are our emotions tied to our physical wellbeing and can you give some examples?
Maryanne Logan: “Often when we feel stressed, anxious, sad, jealous or angry, we don’t appreciate the fact that there are corresponding physical responses taking place in our bodies. We tense up causing neck pain and headaches or we overproduce chemicals to deal with our stress, which can result in stomach cramps and digestive upsets. Left unchecked, these can lead to chronic disease.”
RESCU: What is homeopathy and how does it differ to naturopathy and traditional medicine?
Maryanne Logan: “Homeopathy is a natural, non invasive system of medical treatment which provides individualised care and is suitable for all ages. Homeopaths prescribe homeopathic medicines which are highly dilute, do not interact with other medications and are non toxic. Naturopaths primarily prescribe herbs and supplements.
Homeopathy works well in combination with traditional medicine. It is a complementary medicine.
The main way in which it differs from traditional medicine is that homeopathy treats the individual and their individual presentation of a condition whereas traditional medicines generally treat conditions, without specifically focusing on an individual’s experience of that condition e.g. traditional medicines might prescribe one or two general medications for migraines whereas ten individuals may receive ten different medications from a homeopath depending on where the site of the pain is, how it feels (throbbing, stabbing, like a vice, blinding etc). The individual’s experience of the pain is all important because homeopathic prescribing is very symptom specific.”
RESCU: What are the most common ailments that people can seek simple, drug free relief from?
Maryanne Logan: “Coughs, colds and flu, bites, stings, bruising, sinusitis, hayfever, allergies, insomnia, nightmares, teething, colic, stress.”
RESCU: Is Homeopathy safe and clinically tested?
Maryanne Logan: “The high dilution factor in homeopathic medicines means that they are non toxic and can be taken by infants and during pregnancy. There are always exceptions to the rule but generally you can say that homeopathic medicines are safe for the whole family.
There are extensive clinical trials which have been done using homeopathic medicines. A good website listing some of the research is the Australian Homeopathic Association’s website which is “
RESCU: How do we find a well regarded and registered homeopath in our state?
Maryanne Logan: “It’s important to receive treatment from a practitioner who has appropriate qualifications and training. The best way to find a registered professional is to visit the Australian Homeopathic Association’s website “
RESCU: Is Homeopathic medicine safe for everyone and all ages? Any contradictions?
Maryanne Logan: “Yes it is safe for all ages – even newborns can safely be given homeopathic medicines. There are no known contraindications.”
RESCU: What homeopathic brands do you recommend and which products in particular should we all have in our medicine cabinet?
Maryanne Logan: “There are many good homeopathic brands on the market but Boiron Laboratories are the largest manufacturers of homeopathic medicines in the world and their products are outstanding.
No home should be without Oscillococcinum (for the first signs and symptoms of flu) and every home should stock Arnica (for falls and bruises) and Apis (for bites and stings).
There are wonderful over-the-counter homeopathic medicines for kids’ coughs and colds and other common conditions such as hangovers, hayfever and teething but for more specific needs, a registered practitioner should be consulted.”
More about Maryanne Logan
Maryanne holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree, an Advanced Diploma of Homeopathic Medicine and has completed Dr Parimal Banerji’s two year post graduate course for Advanced Homeopathic Practice. She is a registered professional member of AROH, AHA and ATMS.
She has practiced in multi-disciplinary clinics in Sydney’s inner west and northern beaches and has been the advisor and public health consultant to a national health care company since 2004. She was elected President of the Australian Homeopathic Association (NSW Branch) in August 2008.
Her practice deals with all aspects of health but has a special focus on stress based problems in adults, teens and children – from behavioral problems to panic attacks, eating disorders, dependencies, depression and other emotional imbalances.
For more info or to contact Maryanne, visit
To purchase homeopathic medicine or for more info, visit