Lipstick is one of those products that pretty much everyone wears…
Whether you prefer matte, sheer, rich creamy pigment, or even gloss, we all wear some form of lip colour, but, is the shade you are wearing giving you the best benefits it can? A shade change could be the answer!
Working on the cosmetic retail floor for many years, earlier in my career, I used to see consultants applying 10-15 colours of lippie, all up the arm of a poor consumer. With so many options, and so many shades with subtle differences… how do you know what is right for our complexion?
Let me tell you my hot tips on how to find the perfect lipstick shade for your complexion.
When selecting a lipstick for a client or women in general I always go straight to their skin tone. Is it warm or cool? Summer or winter?
Every lipstick has an undertone…
Commonly called, Blue-Based Lipsticks, these fall under the cool, or winter category as the blue base in them creates this effect – they do not appear warm or summery.
– They are usually of the pink, red, plum/purple variety, but even in nude tones, the blue-based tone can be present.
– This type of undertone is perfect for any olive base skins as their skin has the depth in them to be able to wear these colours well, without the lipstick taking over the entire face, as can happen on a pale skin tone.
– As any yellow base, olive or tan skin normally has warmth in their skin already, the opposite blue based tone being cool, works very well for balance.
– These shades, with a cool tone running through them, can make any skin with a lot of redness look more pink or red as they add a cool approach, rather than toning down the issue as an orange-based lipstick can.
These are common Blue-Based lipstick shades, they all look cool…
MB PRO TIP – These Blue-based pinks, plums, deep and blood reds re commonly known as the best shades to make your teeth look whiter!
The opposite end of the lipstick scale are warm or Orange-Based Lipsticks…
These are summery and range from nude, coral, orange, browns and even reds.
– These shades are the best go to shades for anyone with sensitive, pink based and redness present on the skin. This will tone down and help eliminate more redness from appearing, rather than a pink lipstick will add to the redness and bring it out.
– Olive skins can wear these tones, but often it does not uplift them like going opposite can with your skin tone.
– These tones suit blondes especially and amazing for a summery/bronzed vibe on the skin.
– Coral/peach shades have been seen in the past as a bit old fashioned, but now are a modern day pink to freshen up a sometimes-dull face, not adding any more redness to it.
MB Pro Tip – Orange and different shades of it is actually the colour of the season for lips. It is very summery and can be used in so many ways without being a neon version, which is quite bold.
Check out these Orange, summery-based shades..
Red Lipstick, would be the hardest to determine the base tone, but if ever confused, place the two lippies together and you will see if they match being either blue based, or orange based, or if they are opposite. Alone, one may say that the lipstick is blue based as it is red, but when placed together, you can see more warmth, therefore it is summery and orange based, better for a pink based skin tones.
This a Blue- Based Red..
And this an Orange-Based red..
See the difference?
The deeper and cooler toned the lip, with that streak of blue through the colour will always suit a deeper, yellow skin tone more than the bottom picture.
The Orange-based red will be amazing for pale skins.
Of course, this is a guide, to go opposite to your skin tone, to make it easier upon purchasing.
Celebrities are often pictured with lip colours on their lips that goes against the above, but that is more for a campaign, shot with lighting, and heavier makeup, taking away all skin perfections, whereas in real life we do not have this.
My general guide is this;
For pale or pink base skins;
– When redness is present, we need to tone this down, so taupe and ashy nudes are great, browns, peach over pink and any orange or orange based reds.
– To brighten, try peach or coral over pink
– Bold lip – orange based reds work every time
– If your skin has no redness or pink tones, but you are pale and blonde, a blood red will look great, but must be the one and only focus as it does tend to take over when worn on pale skins.
For yellow or Olive Skins;
– Often these skin tones complain of looking dull, so the brighter the colour the better and going opposite guarantees there will be no flat tones on the skin.
– If nude is more you, buy a brighter nude, one that is not completely flat and with a slight pink tone works well – no taupe or ashy tones as you may look dead.
– Plums, Blood reds, fuchsia pinks suit you very well, wear them and show off that skin tone.
Once you know whether your skin tone is cool or warm, place a lipstick on the back of your hand and think, is this shade the opposite to my skin tone, if yes, then that normally is the better choice. If it looks like it takes over or blends in too much, it may be incorrect.
MB Pro Tip – Turn your wrist over and look at the veins… If they have a green undertone you are olive or yellow based, if they are blue, you are cool and pink based.
My fave lip product right now is the Napoleon Perdis,, Limited Edition, Express Lip Palette, (RRP $79) part of their Holiday Collection.
If you are a lipstick junkie and love change, it has everything and small enough for the bag or clutch! Perfect.
Happy Lip shopping ladies and remember, sometimes going opposite to your skin works best!