The most common definition of ageing is to “grow old or older” but I prefer, “the accumulation of changes in a person over time”. Removing the word ‘old’ somehow makes me feel more comfortable and I can equate ageing with wisdom, wealth & vibrancy rather than decline & disease. ‘Ageing’ is no longer a monstrous shadow lurking in the background.
By Anthia Koullouros
Senescence is a Latin word that means “to grow old,” and defines biological aging, the endogenous and hereditary process of accumulative changes to molecular and cellular structure. This is the type of ageing I’m going to focus on for this article.
One group of chemicals (the good kind!) receive special attention in the quest for graceful ageing and disease prevention – antioxidants. They scavenge free radicals from cells and prevent, or greatly reduce, the damage caused by oxidation.
What is oxidation?
Oxidation is a process in the human body that damages cell membranes and other structures, including cellular proteins, lipids and DNA. When oxygen is metabolised, it creates ‘free radicals’ which steal electrons from other molecules, causing damage. The body can cope with some free radicals and needs them to function effectively, however an overload has been linked to certain diseases. Oxidation can also be accelerated by stress, cigarette smoking, alcohol, little or excessive sunlight, pollution and other factors.
A delicious, healthful therapy to combat excess free radical formation is sipping tea! The following teas are proven to be rich in antioxidants, with 3-5 cups per day imparting significant benefit. Ensure your teas are comprised of organic ingredients and are made in a way that preserves their constituents (active properties). Always check with your practitioner if they are suitable in combination with your medication, disease state or during pregnancy.
1. Hibiscus flower tea (Botanical name: Hibiscus sabdariffa) A beautiful, crimson, tea that tastes slightly sour. Not only is it rich in antioxidants it is a wonderful source of Vitamin C and minerals. Studies have found that consuming this tea had positive effects on blood pressure in type II diabetic patients with mild hypertension.
2. White tea (Botanical name: Camellia sinensis) comes from the buds and leaves of the “tea” plant. The leaves and buds are allowed to wither in natural sunlight before they are lightly processed to prevent oxidation. ‘Catechins’ are the antioxidants found in white tea responsible for promoting healthy cardiovascular function as well as slowing the enzymatic breakdown of elastin and collagen, traits that accompany ageing.
3. Green tea comes from the same plant as white tea – the way it is grown and processed that differentiates it. Its benefits are similar with more studies done on green tea for its positive effects on age related diseases.
4. Turmeric root tea (Botanical Name: Curcuma longa) This gold-coloured root is found in many Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) teas. Studies have shown curcumin (the active antioxidant) can slow the ageing process via various cellular pathways. Add ¼ teaspoon to equal parts of hot water and organic whole milk with a pinch of stevia green leaf and cinnamon powder.
5. Rooibos tea (Botanical name: Aspalathus linearis) This very pleasant and easy drinking tea is free from caffeine and high in antioxidants. Drink as is or use it as a base to fortify other herbal teas, such as lemongrass, mint or chamomile.
I run a busy practice and see clients of all ages and I have noted the beneficial effects of these teas. Clients who are taking care of their health and wellbeing through organic, whole food eating (which includes plenty of plant and pastured animal fats, vegetables, fruit, animal and seafood protein with little grains and toxic vegetables oils) who have a chemical free lifestyle, are mindful, discerning and present and choose happiness, always look and feel younger. This is no great secret for defying ageing. It just is.
By Anthia Koullouros
See Anthia Koullouros speak LIVE at Rescu. Me! The Ultimate Life Makeover Event