Having focus and clarity should be easy for us to do, right? We’re supposedly taught how to do this at school and practise it all the way through into our every day life. We have to be focused to achieve our goals and to complete our normal tasks. However have you ever broken down your method of maintaining and strengthening your focus and clarity?
Having too many distractions or being overwhelmed can disrupt our clarity. Whilst focus on the other hand is a skill that can be developed and strengthened over and over again.
Focus is a thinking skill that allows you to start a task without procrastination. Whilst having clarity on the other hand, is simply the ability to see clearly or have an understanding of a perception. Clarity in many situations allows you the sense of knowing which decisions to make and which direction to move forward in. Add focus into the picture and you have a laser beam attention to deliver on any task that you set yourself.
Here are some strategies to strengthen and maintain your Focus and Clarity.
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We’re always in constant motion running from one thing to another. Whether it is a task, a device or just everyday living. Taking the time to slow down and connect with your breath creates mindfulness; and mindfulness is synonymous with focus and clarity. Each time you practice connecting to your breath you are using your focus muscle, strengthening it and moving towards clarity.
Brain De-clutter
Many a time, a client will say that it’s difficult for them to slow down let a lone STOP! The ability to focus on one thing can be challenging, as we are all multi-taskers. This simply means the brain is on overload and moving at fast pace. In this instance, I encourage writing or typing out whatever is in your mind (it doesn’t need to make sense) for up to ten minutes. This is a brain dump, removing the clutter from your mind till it slows down. There is absolutely no need to reflect on anything you’ve written down.
It doesn’t matter what type of exercise that you like to do whether it’s hard and fast or slow and precise, we want to exert energy. So just like de-cluttering the mind, we also de-clutter our body and emotions. Creating space and softness for clarity to enter with an easy focus.
A Bath, a Shower or a Swim
Water not only is a way to wash our selves physically but also allows for an emotional cleanse. Many a time you will hear someone say, they just need to be around or get into water. Water has the ability to create a sense calmness and a sense of clarity. In eastern philosophy, the element water represents contemplation, calmness, (re)-consideration, observation and reflection.
Always one of my personal favourites, meditation creates that sense of inner calmness. With a regular practice, meditation allows you to retain your clarity for a longer periods and guess what happens next? Meditation makes you more focused. The benefits of meditating are endless and science is proving this more and more. Creating alignment within our selves through our emotions, our body and mind is what clarity is all about. Removing all the internal tugs of war between these three.
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Instead of fighting to gain focus and clarity, you have strategies of nurturing, strengthening and maintaining two very important skills in life. Having developed and supporting these aspects in your life can be the difference between chasing your tail constantly and being overwhelmed in your everyday living to knowing and trusting yourself. When we have clarity, a solution will present itself with a sense of ease. So when it does, you know you’ll be able focus on what’s needed next.