I’d just finished my Bikram yoga class and as I was walking out, my attention was captured by one of the flyers left out by one of the resident practitioners. This practitioner was in my industry. I loved her flyer and her business card and actually picked it up and took it home with me.
By Monica Kade
As I was walking to my car, reading the flyer I felt a pang of envy. In that moment I noticed it quick smart. I don’t find this happening very often, so I was surprised. I observed the reaction I had to this.
Envy, jealousy and comparison are so common in our world and especially amongst women. It’s as though we’ve got to compete against each other because there isn’t enough to go around. If someone is doing what you’re doing, then there’s going to be no room for you to do it too.
I took a moment, still walking to my car, to understand why the feeling may have popped up. And then it hit me! It didn’t need to be envy and it wasn’t. What I found was, I actually loved the flyer, it inspired me, as it got my creative juices flowing for what I may love to do. In that moment I realised, it never has to be about comparison ever again!
We can all take our “competition” or the people we look to and go “I wish I had…I wish I looked like that… I wish, I wish, I wish…” and turn it into: “Oh, wow, she inspires me. I love how she did that there. Wow, that’s awesome. How can I use this inspiration and create something for myself, which I am proud of.”
Comparison if futile. I talk about this with a lot of my clients and in my work. You cannot compare yourself or your work, or any aspect of your life with anyone’s. It’s actually the most ridiculous thing you can do. No two people are identical. No two people can create, inspire, and do what another can in the same way. Our journeys are all different. Our upbringing, our environment and the challenges we experience and how we respond to these challenges make us one of a kind.
Isn’t that brilliant? It actually means that you are an original. You are making your own mark on the world, you are doing something better than anyone else can – providing you’re being you and not trying to be anyone else.
So take the envy or jealousy or competitive feeling you have and turn it into inspiration. It’s so easy, it takes a simple moment and when you do, that feeling of insecurity or scarcity immediately disappears. You never have to compare again. BE inspired!
The moment I stopped and asked myself, “Could you turn this into inspiration?” I did. That’s how quickly the initial feeling fizzled away and left me inspired. It was a beautiful and enticing flyer and business card, it moved me and that’s the end of it. It didn’t mean I was less or better than. It didn’t mean I couldn’t do what I loved. Everything after the initial feeling of love and inspiration was just my ego talking; trying to beat me up. But I caught it out.
There is enough to go around. Pull yourself out of the scarcity mindset and focus on you. BE you, do what you love. Live out the feeling that moves you. Look to others for guidance or inspiration, but don’t compare yourself. You’ve got your own greatness to rock out. So do that!
About Monica
Monica Kade is a Transformational Teacher, Intuitive Coach, Speaker and Fun-Lovin’ Writer teaching individuals to be their Truth and not their Story.
You can find more at goodness at www.monicakade.com