Neither should you think that sex on your period is off-limits for reasons of hygiene. This is a myth, and it’s wholly incorrect. It’s possible to have perfectly good sex on that part of your cycle, provided you change a few things to make the experience easier.
Tip 1: If you’re having cramps, have sex.
Menstrual cramps are alleviated by orgasms – one of the charming evolutionary things about being a woman. If you’re feeling particularly as if you’ve been hit in the abdomen by a mallet, indulge yourself in either a little alone time or some bedroom action. Voila!
Tip 2: Watch out for your cervix.
During your period, the cervix lowers and becomes more sensitive. If you’re having sex with a man or a penis-similar implement, be prepared for usual positions to be suddenly painful. This goes for the rest of your vaginal lining too; nerve endings can become more sensitive, and you’ll have to adjust your routine to make room for it.
Tip 3: Manage the blood properly.
Blood is fine, but it does stain – and so does the lining of your uterus. You have a few choices. Have sex in the shower, or under another source of running water. Use rubber sheets or use a surface which can cope with stains. Explore different options for internal blood collection – diaphragms, softer tampons which allow for penetration, or female condoms.
Talk to your partner, if male, about whether they mind getting blood on their penis. If they’re going to get weird about it, use a male condom. Sorted!
Tip 4: Lubricate.
Unsurprisingly, given that it’s filled with blood and clotted things, your vagina might not lubricate with the enthusiasm of the rest of your cycle. This differs between women – some find they’re more easily aroused during their period, others that they’re tighter and more sensitive.
Artificial lube might be needed to ease the process.
Tip 5: Always use protection.
Yes, you can still get pregnant on your period. Sperm can stay in your system until you start ovulating again, and then fertilise the eggs you produce. So it’s not an excuse to neglect your birth control if you aren’t keen to fill your uterus anytime soon.
It also doesn’t protect against STDs, mosquitos, alligators, or whatever other rumours you’ve heard. Take the same precautions you always have. (Also possibly don’t have sex in the sea when there are sharks about. It may end badly.)
Lady Friday xx
Taking the pillow talk out of the bedroom, every Friday…