If you think Mixed Martial Arts training is just for the guys, think again. This intense form of function strength training will help you achieve the defined legs, toned butt and taut physique you’ve been dreaming of.
If your regular workout isn’t providing the LBD ready body you’ve been hoping for, then this could be the training for you. You’ll work up a sweat, but the hard work is worth it – the results of MMA are a total body transformation. Just tap into the secrets of top MMA fighters Ronda Rousey, Cat Zingano and Miesha Tate to make the most of their muscle strengthening expertise.
Your body may take a couple of weeks to get used to the intensity of this multi-dimensional power-shred, but once you’ve tried MMA for yourself, you’ll never look back. Get started with celebrity trainer Marcus Bondi’s MMA Knockout Shred Program below.
How does it work?
Total functional strength ensures that all your bones, tendons, ligaments, joints, muscles and cardio are as strong as each other, with no weak links. Therefore, your fingers must become as strong as your forearms; your biceps and triceps and your deltoids must follow suit; so must your traps and lats, right down to your lower back, butt and legs. Your lungs must be strong enough to pump more than enough oxygenated blood to your leg muscles.
Many ‘strong’ gym junkies who do regular bench-presses can barely move when attempting dynamic multi-functional strength training. That’s because modern machines and regular weights don’t force you to quickly grip, re-grip, jump, hold and heave your body weight many times, over and over, like your life (and tight buns) depend on it.
MMA Knockout Shred Program:
1. Towel-grip body-rows – from standing position
Roll a towel length-ways and then hang it over a pull up bar (or tree branch/stair rail). Grab each end of the towel as tight as you can with your arms straight and your body on an angle leaning back from the bar. Now place your feet shoulder-width apart under the bar and pull yourself towards the bar, bending at the elbows.
The farther you put your feet forward under the bar, the more resistance you will create.
Start with 4 sets of 10 reps, but build up until you can blast out 4 x 20 reps smoothly. It won’t be easy. But it will be worth it. Your grip strength will improve dramatically; as will your ‘wrist control’ and grappling power over your opponent.
2. Sand Bag Lunge Walk
This exercise will award you with the butt and thighs you never imagined you could have. Fill a beach towel, pillow case or plastic bag with as much sand/soil as your dare and twist the ends together. Grab it with both hands and rest it on your forearms against your chest.
Keeping your back straight, step forward on the sand with one leg, bend at the knee and lower the opposite knee almost to the ground; push up 90% of your body weight with the front leg. Repeat this action so you take 100 steps with each leg. If you can’t get to 100, just start at 20 with each leg and build up from there. The sandbag should weigh about 10 kgs so you will get a great leg workout. Be sure to do your favourite leg/thigh/hammy stretches as required.
3. Toe-touch Ab Crunches
A firm, strong core is a healthy core! Hop down on your back onto the ground, exhale to minimise the air in your lungs, contract your core, lift your head and heels off the ground for a second, then simultaneously reach your fingers up to meet your toes as you raise your straight legs off the ground as high as you can go. Hold for 2 seconds then repeat until you have completed 5 sets of twenty reps.
4. High-intensity Sandbag Squat Jumps
Cardio is crucial for successful MMA and driving away all that nasty cellulite. Grab your sandbag with both hands and hold it close against your chest with elbows bent. Squat down slowly, ass-to-the-grass and perform 20 vertical jumps on the spot as high as you can go; be sure to bend your knees when you land on the balls (front) of your feet. Do as many sets as you can – rest for 20 seconds between sets.
5. Clapping push ups
Clapping push ups will develop incredible speed and reflex strength in your arms and upper body. Hop into push up position (you can start on your knees if you wish) and place your hands shoulder-width apart. Lower you chest down, then explode up as high as you can, straightening your arms as you clap your hands above the ground. Complete 4 sets of 5 reps.
6. The Truth
Of all the things in our lives we have no control over, our arms, hips, butt and thighs remain ours to rule over with impunity. Take control. Achieve your best ever body. No-one can stop you. You can and you will do it.
For more from Marcus Bondi visit: marcusbondi.com