The October Full Moon takes place on Sunday 16th October, at 24 degrees in Aries, 3.23pm EST. The Full Moon, and the lead up to it, is a time to release and let go. It is important to reflect during this time and set intentions for your life ahead. If you’re looking for love, here’s how to create the perfect love spell during the potent full moon, and make sure to complete a full moon meditation.
Read below to see what the full moon means for your sign:
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The Full Moon takes place in your sign which is a sure message from the skies – it’s time to stop thinking so much about someone else, and time to start investing some emotional energy into your own well-being. This is a potentially highly emotional time so don’t be surprised if life feels extra intense. The trick is not to loose your cool, and to stay mindful of the fact that what happens now can be a path to your future. The Full Moon is definitely a marker for you – it can also be a turning point. If you’re not happy about where you life is headed, it’s time to turn and face a new direction.
Read more about your October horoscope
The emphasis has been on the Everyday – the routines in your life, your daily work and health schedules, what you do for others. The click click click of life. The Full Moon suggests though that it’s time for you to think less about that and more about the hidden parts of life. Spare a moment for the esoteric. Spend some time alone in quiet contemplation rather than throwing yourself onto an endless treadmill of life where you don’t get a chance to think about anything much. There is a lot which has been swirling beneath the surface – and it’s time to allow it up for air.
Read more about your October horoscope
As the Full Moon takes place in your 11th house, it’s time to look at the things you’ve been hoping and wishing for. Either it’s going to become clear how you can make it happen or it might be about to become clear that it’s a pipedream you’d do best to move on from. As well, while the past few weeks have almost certainly been about you, the fun you can have, your romantic life, your self-expression, a child you’ve been indulging and/or a creative project you’ve had on the boil – but the skies now suggest that you think less about that and more about if you are carrying your weight where the groups you belong to are concerned.
Read more about your October horoscope
The Full Moon in your 10th house of suggests you may well be feeling a tug of war between your home life and your career. More than likely you have spent the past few weeks thinking about your personal life, you home, family, and where you feel you belong. Now though, the skies are reminding you that all of us have to crawl out from the safety of our nests from time to time. If you know you’ve been neglecting your professional obligations because of what’s been going on at home, the skies suggest now is the time to redress the balance.
Read more about your October horoscope
The Full Moon brings about tension as the Moon takes the exactly opposite position in the skies to the Sun. The Sun is where our focus has been – for you for the past few weeks, this has been on Your Own Backyard – your neighourhood, aunts, uncles and sibling, little tasks, quick trips and lots of chats. Now the Full Moon asks that you shift your focus a little and that you step back and look at The Bigger Picture. If life is a cosmic quest, how are you doing? Do what it takes to expand your mind. PS If you’re thinking about taking up some kind of study or starting to travel, you have heavenly support.
Read more about your October horoscope
The Full Moon is taking place in your 8th house. For you, it’s partly all about joint finances – that means where you get paid by someone else or where you pay them and also about loans and debt. It’s a time to be thining about what’s yours, what’s someone else’s and where the two may or can or even should meet. You may find that you’ve been thinking too much about someone else’s needs but now comes a time when you start to focus more on feathering your own nest. There really is nothing at all wrong with that – in fact, with the Full Moon in your 8th house, it’s pretty much what you should be doing. Sexually, the coming month is emotionally charged. If things are good, they should get better. If they’re not so good, it’s time to address the issues. Sex is not always easy to talk about but this Full Moon brings makes it easier.
Read more about your October horoscope
Lately, it’s been all about YOU. And guess what? That isn’t likely to change overnight. But the Full Moon in your 7th house of Other People and of Romance means it’s time for you to think less about yourself and what you want, and more about others and what they need. The Full Moon in your Love Zone (which this is) also marks the natural conclusion for relationships which have clearly reached their Use-By date. Compromise is crucial now, if you’re in a good relationship which is going through temporary troubles and delays. For some, closure on an ex is possible at last.
Read more about your October horoscope
Now is the moment to take a good long hard look at yourself and where you are self-sabotaging yourself. If you know you are clinging to unhealthy habits (eg: smoking) which are doing you no good physically, now is the perfect time to give that habit away. If it’s some other unhealthy behaviour which is scuppering you again and again – eg: acting jealous, drinking too much – again this is the ideal time to bin the behaviour. If you’ve recently reformed (eg: started exercising properly) this is the time recommit to your new regimes. Meanwhile an important work project could come to fruition now.
Read more about your October horoscope
The Full Moon in your 5th house of fun suggests that there is likely to be some kind of tug of war going on in your heart – you have hopes and dreams that you know you have to work hard to make come true. But you also wish you could have more fun. And honestly, that is your challenge right now. You do need to work to make your dreams come true but you need to balance that out with having time out for good behaviour. For some, this month will be all about learning to be a great friend to other people while also allowing yourself the quality Me Time that we all need.
Read more about your October horoscope
The last few weeks have most likely seen you giving Number One priority to your career. If that’s the case, you can expect your personal life to start demanding some more of your attention now, as the Full Moon takes place across your career and family zones. It’s all very fabulous doing brilliantly at work and getting kudos (or at least managing to hold your own). But don’t let your ego lead you into thinking that that’s the most important part of life. Because it’s just not. Sure, there will be time to start to focus again on your professional life, but right now, if you listen to the Stars, you will hear them reminding you to take care of your personal life.
Read more about your October horoscope
Over the past few weeks, you’ve hopefully allowed yourself the luxury of caring less about the details and more about seeing The Big Picture. With any luck, you now have a much clearer sense or either where you are going (in a metaphorical sense) or where you want to go (in a literal sense). There has been mind expanding going on – via travel, dreams of travel, talk with someone with connections far away or study. Now, though, as you might have guessed, it’s time to rein yourself back in and check out what’s going on in your own backyard. There are little tasks and chores which need to be attended to before you head off for the wild blue yonder.
Read more about your October horoscope
Intimacy, power struggles and questions about who has the upper hand, cash, control and joint finances have been a focus for many of your for the past few weeks. This Full Moon suggests that you shift your focus a little. Instead of worrying about who owes and owns what, worry about what you have, and what you have to offer someone else. It’s as thought the Universe is asking you to think less about what someone else can do to make you happy, and to worry more about what you can do to make others comfortable. Rediscover the pleasure of giving.
Read more about your October horoscope
If you want to make the most of the Full Moon, you will love this Full Moon Meditation from RESCU’s Moonology Expert Yasmin Boland.
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