By Natalie Carter
If you are like the many girls who swooned over the Royal Wedding and witnessed Pippa Middleton’s arrival and gasped at the sight of her derrière, have I got the workout for you!
We are going to get you the butt and thighs of your dream. Whether you’re walking down the aisle or just wanting to keep your butt & pins in tip top shape, following this workout will ensure you look your best in the booty department.
Try this in the gym:
1. Squats on the bosu: use the bosu with the hard side down and blue side up. Squat laterally over the bosu, first with your right foot on top of the bosu and your left foot on the ground, squat down (it will feel unsteady) then hop over onto the other side and use your left foot to squat with right foot on the ground. Make sure you put even pressure on both feet, don’t favour one or the other.
2. Dead lifts: select a weight approx 20-35% of your body weight (to start off with); use a barbell or dumbbells. Stand with your feet hip distance apart and draw your navel into your spine. Pick the weight up with bent knees and a flat back, keep your back flat and continue to pull your navel into spine as you bring the bar from the floor to your hips, keeping the bar close at all times. Bend from your hips as far as you can, the weight must be close to the floor and your legs should have a slight bend in them. Squeeze glutes together and begin returning back up. Extend your hips fully at the top and squeeze your butt cheeks together. Slowly lower weight down still keeping the back flat and tummy tight.
3. Box jumps: use a box (or use a step up box with approx 4-6 steps under it), jump up onto the box with both feet and try to land in a squat. Step back and start again. If you want a further challenge: squat jump on top and when getting off the box.
4. Kettle bell swing: use an 8kg bell to start off with. Stand with the kettle bell in the middle of your legs and perform a squat like movement with a thrust (hip extension). Squat down and pick the weight up with a flat black, chest up. With momentum, drive your hips forward and perform a “thrusting movement”. Squat down again and repeat.
Try this at home:
1. Walking Lunges: keep hip width apart, step out with your left leg forward with a 90 degrees bend at the knee, then move forward. You can also try stationary lunges to work on balance first.
2. Sumo squat: stand with both feet wider than hips (like a sumo wrestler would stand), squat down deep into your heels, keep your back straight and head up. Hold for 3 seconds and return up to start position.
3. Single Leg Lunge: Place your back right foot on the lounge and your front left foot parallel and out in front on the ground. You will now balance and perform a lunge movement. Swap legs. Note: do not lean forward; you should always be able to see your foot in front of you.
4. Hip extension: lie on the floor on your back. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Draw your navel into your spine as you squeeze both butt cheeks and begin lifting off the floor until your butt is completely off the floor. Hold for 3 seconds. Slowly come down, but don’t let your butt touch the floor. Repeat.
5. Reverse lunges: start with both feet hip width apart; draw your navel into your spine. Step back with your left foot and bend 90 at the knee and make sure your stance is parallel. Hold for 3 seconds and then repeat on the other side. Place most of your weight in the back leg and do not let your knee come over your toe.
I want you to aim to do 12 -15 repetitions of the home exercises 3-4 times through, with 30 seconds rest between each exercise. For the gym exercises, aim for 10-12 repetitions 3 times through with a 30-45 second rest. For optimal results, you want to repeat this workout 3-4 times per week (if you can’t do the gym workout just focus on the home program). Be wise with your weight choice, you should just be able to finish your final repetition. If you aren’t fatigued enough, increase the weight. Don’t forget to stretch, try this.
Stay Awesome until next time,
Nat x
Image Credit: Zimbio