By Yasmin Boland
The arrival of Neptune in your sign in February is major news for you. You might not get it yet, but it effectively means you are more plugged into the Great Cosmic Grid than ever. Start to go with your feelings, and see where they lead you. You should find you prosper in both business and pleasure, if you are willing to let your intuition guide you. Financially, if times are tough, your best bet is to look at where you can pare back on expenses. The good news is that just as quickly as your money worries appear, they can also disappear.
Big news early on in 2012 is the move of Neptune into Pisces for the first time since the mid-1800s!
As a PISCES, this is great news. It means that your whole life is set to take on a new spiritual dimension, if it hasn’t already. If you’ve been feeling spiritually bereft at all since Neptune left your sign a few months back, you can refill the well. Neptune is the planet of the Divine and you now have him in your sign again. Connecting to the Divine means you trust the world enough to allow the Universe to show you the way and that in turns means that you can’t go wrong. You just have to trust – the people you know you can trust!
And some just for January news: Work craziness should ease up by the middle of the month. Before then, refuse to be drawn into agreeing to anything you’re really not too sure about. More info will come later. Love-wise, it’s a great time to clear the air with your beloved, ex or BFF as Mars moves through your Love Zone for the first time in two years. What’s your burning question? Get a simple answer to a simple question using our Horary service. For your extended monthly forecast, visit Yasmin’s website