2019 has quickly come upon us and now is the perfect time to make positive intentions that will set you up to have the best year yet. We often write down these New Year goals although get too busy and caught up with everyday life and responsibilities that we don’t actually achieve them. Flow Athletic Founder, Ben Lucas lists his 5 top tips that will help you tick off each and every goal!
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1. Be part of a community
Are you wanting to expand your social circle, be more adventurous or do some form of exercise daily? Well, the easiest way to do this is to be part of a strong community where you have the chance to meet new people who are likeminded. Group fitness studios are a great way to keep you motivated and enthusiastic to workout. When everyone around you during a class is putting in 100% effort, you often get an energy high and push to keep going even when you’re not in the mood.
2. Get organised
Stop making excuses and just get it done. More than often we let our mind talk us out of getting a particular task done and this can be a setup for failure. This could mean on Sunday afternoon, make it habit of planning your meals for the week ahead so you don’t end up settling for unhealthy takeaway options in a rush. Or, putting aside your workout gear the night before so when you wakeup, the first protocol is getting ready to workout. It may feel like a burden at the time but you will feel so much better for it.
3. Declutter
You will be surprised how refreshed you feel when you get rid off unused items in the home that no longer serve purpose. It’s just like when you do a really good clean which leaves you feeling happy and accomplished after. This could spark a new sense of motivation such as finally having enough bench space to prepare a healthy breakfast smoothie or clearing your office desk so you have room to create and brainstorm innovative ideas.
4. Try something new
Go outside your comfort zone and do something different, you may actually enjoy it! Try doing a yoga or martial arts class once a week and commit to doing a group of sessions. Don’t do a single class, decide you hate it and never show up again. Go in with an open mind to learn new skills and feel accomplished with your self-made challenge. Not only that, it’s another way to meet new people and make new friends.
5. Break the habit
Do you find yourself in a bad habit cycle that’s not helping you to achieve your wellness goals? Make an intention to finally break these even if it means at a gradual pace. Could it be that your work is around the corner from a cake shop and when it hits 3pm you take a break for an afternoon treat, or it’s having over four coffees per day? Decide what is good for your health and what will help your body thrive. Find alternative methods such as when you feel a 3pm slump, go for a brisk walk around the block to give your mind a rest and have a healthy snack such as a piece of fruit or a nut/ seed mix.