As a lion-hearted Leo, your inherent charm and physical magnetism mean attracting attention is second nature to you. But despite the ample romantic opportunities in your sights, letting your guard down and allowing love to come into your life can be difficult when your pride gets in the way. If this sounds like you, read on for RESCU’s top five tips for letting go of your pride and allowing love in your life. We promise it will be worth the risk — in a trusting, functional relationship the Leo is fiercely loyal, passionate, and romantic so you have all the right ingredients for a fairy tale love story just like Leo Amy Adams…
As a lion-hearted Leo, your inherent charm and physical magnetism mean attracting attention is second nature to you. But despite the ample romantic opportunities in your sights, letting your guard down and allowing love to come into your life can be difficult when your pride gets in the way.
If this sounds like you, read on for RESCU’s top five tips for letting go of your pride and allowing love in your life. We promise it will be worth the risk — in a trusting, functional relationship the Leo is fiercely loyal, passionate, and romantic so you have all the right ingredients for a fairy tale love story…
1. A Foundation of Friendship
Your ego is often mistaken as being an unstoppable force of nature but in fact you know all too well it is incredibly fragile and you go to great lengths to shield it.
A blow to the Leo’s ego can be difficult to mend so it is important you feel safe when you do decide to pursue a serious relationship to prevent yourself from sabotaging it as a means of protection. When looking for a partner, start by seeking friendship. It is crucial as a Leo lover that you’re able to speak with your partner openly and trust them with your ego so take things slow.
Once you have a solid foundation of companionship and trust, you’ll be ready to pursue things further.
2. Manage your Expectations
As unromantic as it might sound, it is important that you manage your expectations when it comes to matters of the heart. Once you do decide to fall into love, you often can’t help but expect grandiose romance and when it’s not delivered, you feel disappointed and anxious.
Keep in mind that we all show our emotions differently and look out for the more subtle displays of affection from your partner. If you want to up the romance ante, lead by example and take your partner out to your favourite restaurant.
3. Take Breathing Space
Don’t let your hot-headed nature get the best of you. If you find yourself in an argument with your partner, take a little breathing space and some time to think before you say anything too brash. Remember to keep an open mind and try to see things from your partner’s point of view. This won’t be easy for the stubborn Leo but it’s crucial if you want to resolve the issue at hand.
4. Green Eyed Lion
If you’re the jealous type, as so many Leos are, address the issue head on rather than avoid it until it gets out of control. Jealousy is a stress response so you’ll feel it more if you are already anxious about something else.
Get to the root of the problem by identifying anything external pressures and use stress management tactics to settle your jealousy.
If this doesn’t work and the jealousy is real, tell your partner what is going rather than making accusations, becoming distant or being passive aggressive.
5. Maintain your Independence
Just because you’re letting someone else into your life, does not mean you need to sacrifice your independence. You love with your whole heart but do not like feeling as though someone else is in control.
Make it clear to your partner that you value personal space and need dedicated ‘me time’ regularly.
The Leo’s best Astrological matches are Aries, Sagittarius, Libra and Gemini but no matter who you’re with, letting yourself trust someone with your ego and your heart will be the biggest challenge in your relationship.