So you’re curious about the new generation fillers and anti-ageing options but not quite ready to head down the surgical or invasive procedure route? We’ve discovered a wonderful beauty secret that will help with all those pesky little lines, wrinkles and areas that need a touch more attention in your beauty routine.
We were so impressed with the Dr LeWinn’s Line Smoothing Complex S8 Triple Action Day Defence and the Line Smoothing Complex S8 Double Intensity Night Cream we decided to give a few lucky Rescu. readers the chance to try these little wonder products for themselves.
Now we’ve gathered their feedback so you can see what they thought!
9/11 would recommend Dr LeWinn’s Line Smoothing Complex S8 Double Intensity Night Cream to a friend
8/11 would use it over their current night cream
7/11 would recommend Dr LeWinn’s Line Smoothing Complex S8 Triple Action Day Defence to a friend
9/11 would use over their current day cream
Pauline Stewart, 32, from VIC enjoyed using the products and started noticing the changes in less then a week with the Line Smoothing Complex S8 Double intensity night cream, which included feeling firmer and more rejuvenated, intense hydration and smoothness. She was also affirmative in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles again in less then a week! As for the Line Smoothing Complex S8 Triple Action Day Defence she noticed her skin was smoother over a period of four weeks with further reductions of fine lines and wrinkles.
An enthusiast for both products Narelle Rock, 34 from SA, (below) experienced a smoother, more hydrated and vibrant skin after one week and noticed an instant change of reduced fine line and wrinkles with the Dr LeWinn’s night cream. As for the day cream it again took a week for a changed complexion and more instense hydration. “I have just tried Dr LeWinns products, they smell amazing, feel great on my skin and I have already seen a difference after just a couple of weeks of use.”
Emily Tsang, a mum of two toddlers from VIC, with the use of the Line Smoothing Complex S8 Double intensity night cream, noticed intense hydration after just one day and the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles within the week. With the day cream, Emily experienced intensely hydration, firmer, smoother and more rejuvenated skin and the reduced fine lines and wrinkles immediately after she began using the product. She would definitely recommend both products to a friend!
Charisse Childs, 34 from QLD (below) loves the products as they “keep my face hydrated and looking younger than it should be from my younger days of sunbaking.” She experienced smoother skin with the day cream over a period of four weeks whilst being intensely hydrated by the night cream in less the four weeks. She found greater success with the night cream and would use it over her current one
Bianca Orszagh, 38 from NSW’s experience with the Dr LeWinn’s products was an all over smoother appearance with the day cream and also found hydration and rejuvenation with the night cream. Having suffered from dullness and fine lines, the day cream reduced fine lines and wrinkles over the month while the night cream took just one week.
Sally Beaumont, 35 from VIC had greater success with the night cream, sighting reduced fine lines and wrinkles and more intense hydration after just one day. She would prefer to use Dr LeWinn’s over her current night cream. She didn’t find any obvious changes with the day cream.
Jessica Yeo, 32 from the ACT felt the intense hydration of her skin in just 24 hours from the night cream and immediate hydration from the day cream. Although she didn’t experience the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles she would still recommend both products to friends.
Megan Senf, 31, from NSW suffers from dull skin, fine lines, sun damage and occassional break-outs but found success with the Line Smoothing Complex S8 Double Intensity Night Cream stating that she would definitely recommend to a friend, “I felt like it gave my skin plenty of hydration without feeling oily” and cited rejuvenated, firmer and smoother skin over a week.
Natalie Davies, 31, from VIC, despite not being a fan of the texture noticed hydrated and smoother skin from the night cream over a week and noticed the reduction in fine line and wrinkles from both Dr LeWinn’s products over the period of four weeks.
Jacqueline Potter from QLD had been suffering from skin issues and although she did not notice a reduction of fine lines she noted her skin was smoother and more intensely hydrated after using the night cream. As for the day cream, she noticed the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles after a week and would recommend to her friends.
Aida Knezevic, 40, from VIC concludes she is a big fan of the night cream with obvious changes but what she didn’t like was the texture of the cream. Having used the day cream before the trial, Aida was more then happy to use the product again!