By Yasmin Boland
There are eclipses in your Love Zone and your own sign this year, so you can expect 2012 to be memorable. If the mention of eclipses makes you nervous, don’t let it. It just means it’s your turn to make the changes in your life which you know are pretty much inevitable. Where do you want things to be different in your life? Do you need to move on from someone or something? Eclipse years are usually big and memorable, and 2012 is an eclipse year for you. Sort things out properly and you could have the best year you’ve had in ages. PS Get in touch with your Inner Goddess.
Big news early on in 2012 is the move of Neptune into Pisces for the first time since the mid-1800s!
As a SAGITTARIUS, Neptune’s move is good news because it means you can now make your home your sanctuary, as Neptune moves into your 4th House of All Things Domestic. Life at home can become more serene. If you live in a flood-plagued area, it’s a great time to get flood insurance as Neptune is all about water, though! That done, make your home somewhere you can relax and enjoy. If you’re into meditating, it’s a great time to set yourself up with a meditate room or corner. Any SADGES thinking of moving to the seaside have excellent Stars.
And some just for January news: This could be a huge turnaround month for you. The eclipse in your Love Zone means loved-up Sadgies could be about to take their relationship to the next level. Available Sagittarians, who are open to new romance, can draw a line under the past now, ready to love again. Could you meet someone before the New Year? Yes, but you could also meet someone at any time in 2012. Your love life is highlighted for the next six months. Attached and miserable? It’s the ideal time to cut the ties.
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