By Yasmin Boland
You have pretty great Stars this month for you birthday. For starters, a lovely link from sexy Mars to Jupiter in your Love Zone in the middle of the month means you should have plenty of time to enjoy your partner. And if you’re single but open to love, this is a great month to meet someone new, so get out there. If self-esteem has been an issue, the eclipse on November 25 is the ideal date to decide you’re going to turn things around. Step 1: Make a list of what’s fabulous about you.
Pretty much your best day for romance in November (but enjoy all of it!): November 16
Also very big news for everyone this month is the New Moon eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius. We all have Sagittarius somewhere in our chart, and that’s where doors will be opening for us under this eclipse. Eclipses are like portals to the future. It’s up to us if we choose to go through the doors they open up!
The doors which are swinging open for you: Ker-ching! That’s the sound that the Universe’s cosmic cash registers are making – in your favour. Expect at least one new source of income to open up for you now. It’s official: Your finances are looking good. But this part of your chart also deals with something else that’s at least as important as $$$; your self-esteem. If you’ve been down on yourself lately, change that. If you know your self-image hasn’t recovered from a recent battering, take steps to change that now. It could mean you need to stand up to someone, get away from a bully or even see a professional counsellor who can set you back on the right track. Or it could just mean you need to eat less and exercise more! Sounds superficial but it’s also true.
The November New Moon eclipse takes place in Sagittarius on November 25 @ 5.09pm AEDT
PS Look around you – are you surrounded by people you consider winners? Are they supportive? You’d better hope so because Mars in your 11th House this month is all about the fact that it’s suddenly extra possible for you to achieve your goals – but only with a little help from your friends. And there’s another catch – Mars is a feisty little planet and wherever he goes, he takes his fiery attitude with him. Watch out that you don’t suddenly start taking on your mates and/or the people in your social circles, and the clubs and classes you belong to.
Also – a note for your diary: Mercury goes retrograde on November 24 and stays that way until well into December. More on what that means for you next month.
For your Daily Horoscope, please visit Yasmin Boland’s moonology