If you’re due pay rise, this isn’t a bad month to ask for it (the GFC notwithstanding). Judge the mood. Lovewise, you could be asked to do something for your beloved which has no rewards, per se, save the good karma you accrue. Do it anyway! Many Taureans will find a new friend incredibly inspiring. At work, steady routines are your best bet.
Now what about Neptune?
This is the month that Neptune, the planet of dreams and soulmates, changes signs, moving into Pisces for the first time since the mid-1800s. As a TAURUS this is affecting you 11th House – ie the part of your chart which is all about your friends. In a nutshell, you can expect your friends to be more spooky new age than ever! Does this seem familiar?
While I was in India in January, I recorded a super-special meditation for you to listen to. Click here to listen to it now. Neptune is the planet of the Divine. If you want to access your Higher Self, it’s through Neptune you will go.
Also this month…
Info for all the signs…
It is of course Valentines Day. What are the Stars like for February 14? Passionate to say the least. Paranoid to say the worst! Don’t buy into the bad stuff!
The Full Moon and the New Moon will as always be high points emotionally.
Here are the times for those around the world:
The February 2012 Full Moon takes place in Leo on:
Sydney – February 8 @ 8.53am AEDT
Auckland – February 8 @ 10.53am NZST
New York – February 7 @ 4.53pm EST
London – February 7 @ 9.53pm GMT
The February 2012 New Moon takes place in Pisces on:
Sydney – February 22 @ 9.34am AEDT
Auckland – February 22 @ 11.34am NZST
New York – February 21 @ 5.34pm EST
London – February 21 @ 10.34pm GMT
And for your eyes only… Here’s what the New Moon means for you as an Taurus.
The New Moon is taking place in your 11th House which is the part of your chart which relates to your friends and the things you’re wishing for. In a nutshell, having the New Moon here is very auspicious for two reasons. For one, it means you’re in a cycle over the coming four weeks when you can meet new people and sometimes, that’s the exact tonic we need. Be open to having new friends in your life. For another, though, it’s a hugely important time for manifesting. Check my website www.moonology.com for the exact date and time and make your wishes just afterwards.
Overall – your message for the month: I drew you a Doreen Virtue Archangel Card: Your message is “Spiritual Understanding. Archangel Raziel is bringing you esoteric information and symbols, and helping you understand your spiritual truths.”
For your Daily Horoscope, please visit: Yasmin Boland’s moonology.