Summer is creeping up faster than we think which means one thing…bikini season is upon us. So, if you want to be in the best shape possible by Summer here are some prep tips to start now. Expert HIIT trainer and co-founder of ZADI training, Adala Bolto shares 5 exercises that will prepare your summer body.
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HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), is something we’ve all heard time and time again, however when not done right or practised excessively, it can do the opposite effect and essentially make you gain weight by spiking your cortisol. You should be practising HIIT training 3-4 per week for consistency faster results. There’s really no max as it depends on the individual and other factors and also making sure you stretch out post workout and get some rest. HIIT training consists of intense bursts, followed by short recovery periods. This style of training continuously elevates your heart rate, meaning you burn fat fast, and continue to burn fat after your workout. It has many benefits when applied to your workout week correctly.
Strength Training
Strength training is vital in a successful training routine and should be incorporated into you regime at least twice a week. Strength training (also known resistance training) involves your muscular and skeletal system to resist gravity. Picking up weights such as dumbbells or lifting weights is an obvious example of resistance training. Also using TRX straps, using your own body weight is great! Strength training is also vital for you body in the long run as is it prevent injury and builds muscle around your bones, also protecting your body from future damage, by layering thicker muscle fibres.
Pilates is one of the best and most beneficial workouts you can do for your core. It also helps to make you longer, leaner and more functional, which then may lead to weight loss and definitely toning. Pilates can really be practiced regularly as not only in Pilates great for your body, making it more durable in the long run but it is also great for your mind and mental health. When you are clear in your mind, you are essentially making better decisions for your health, you are eating the right foods and making the right choices, so it’s a win- win really.
Walking is a very unrated way to lose weight and is great for your body as whole. You can not do too much walking, so walking everyday is absolutely fine as it isn’t harsh on your joints. However, if you do want to step things up, increasing how long you walk for everyday, or walking uphill on an incline will increase your weight loss process. For those of you who have a desk job, taking the longer route to work or breaking up your day with 5 minute walks around the block on your break are small but beneficial ways to speed up your weight loss journey. Try adding a short 10 minute walk after dinner to distract you from snacking or try making your weekly wine catch up with a friend, a walk instead.
It’s hard to give too much advice about diet, as everyone is different and has different intolerance. However if we could give once piece of advice, it would be to eat as wholesome as possible, and try cut out all processed foods (anything that comes from a packet). Also try not eating anything after 7pm, to give your body time to fast and have a rest from eating, allowing the food to digest properly overnight.
With less that 12 weeks until Christmas, and 8 weeks until Summer it is the perfect time to ounce up your workout routine or incorporate something new into your workout to see noticeable results. Because, remember as the saying goes, “if you don’t make any changes, you won’t see any changes”.
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