If you’re looking to tone those legs, strengthen that booty and achieve the “thigh-gap” look then this leg sculpt workout by Lean Body Coach, Nik Toth, is your answer!
Do as many cycles of each exercise in a 10 minute block. Rest for 2-3 mins then repeat again with another 10 minutes.
2 min Feet To Butt sprint
Jog on the spot and lift your feet up to touch your butt.
10 Jump Lunges
Add in a jump in between each lunge. Not only will it work your leg muscles but also add in some cardio!
8 Squat to Shoulder Press
Using a weight, perform a squat and lift the weight above your head as you stand up. The weight will give your legs that extra resistance.
12 V Sit Up
Not only will this target your core but it’s also a great one for the butt!
10 Overhead Jumping Jacks with weight
In one motion jump your feet out to the side and raise the weight above your head. Then jump back with your feet together and the weight by your chest.
feature image via pinterest