Ever wondered why some people just look better with age and others seem to cross the line of normal before their time? Assoc Prof Greg Goodman is one of the most impressive Anti-Ageing experts we’ve had the pleasure of meeting.
Rescu. spent a morning with Dr Goodman to check out the new HOYS diagnostic tool that allows patients to self assess the progression of their ageing and allows practitioner to make safe and appropriate treatments to bring back the most harmonious and natural youthful look using the latest anti-ageing treatments available.
RESCU: What are the areas of the face that start to show signs of ageing that most women don’t consider?
Dr Greg Goodman: Traditionally we have all known to look for obvious signs of ageing such as wrinkles or loss of skin elasticity, but there are also many other areas that are affected by age related changes that many may not be as aware of, these may include:
• The hollowing of areas such as the temples, cheeks or under the eyes
• Flattening and volume loss from the brow or upper lip area • Eyelashes that start to lose length and density
• A nasal tip that begins to droop
• A facial shape that is becoming more square
• Hands that have lost some of their plumpness and springiness.
RESCU: What are some of the advantages of self assessment tools such as the HOYS system?
Dr Greg Goodman: Some of the key benefits our patients experience from using the HOYS system include that it will teach users what they can do to make themselves as beautiful as possible and keep their features and proportions in balance.
RESCU: How accurate is self assessment versus the advice of a anti-ageing professional such as a cosmetic dermatologist or surgeon?
Dr Greg Goodman: To some extent how accurate Hoys is versus a health professional depends on the experience of the professional and how attuned they may be to fully assessing the patient.
Hoys is constant and aids and enhances the expertise of the health practitioner in fully assessing the patient. The Hoys program not only educates the patient but will give that educational experience to all clinic staff including nursing and medical practitioners.
Here are Dr Goodman’s Top Tips to prevent premature ageing in our 20’s; 30’s; 40’s and 50’s:
It’s all about skin care, skin care, skin care. Sun protection is vital. No solariums. No sun burns. Don’t smoke, don’t spray perfumes on the chest or neck. If you are on the oral contraceptive pill be extra careful of sun shine. Use a specific broad spectrum sunscreen. Wear sunglasses. Microdermabrasion and peels may be useful.
This is often the time when the beginning of skin ageing starts to show and muscle relaxing injections often start here, as do fillers though often at this age they are used to enhance appearance rather than correct ageing. Lasers and peels may be required for things like blood vessels and pigmentation.
This is the time when age is beginning to take its toll. Here lasers, plasma and peels for resurfacing may be required to correct sun damage, with fillers and muscle relaxant injections again being used for maintenance.
It’s a time of great change with menopause in females and loss of volume and tone in the face, neck and hands in both sexes. Again protect from the sun and the elements but often reparative treatments are needed supplemented by maintenance measures such as lasers, filling agents and muscle relaxing products.
Rescu. Road tests the HOYS Assessment:
We completed our HOYS assessment and were astonished to learn the hidden areas of ageing in the face. Like all fine art, composition and restraint are the cornerstones of effective age management. We learned that no matter what your age, it’s about getting balance and harmony.
Some key lessons learned:
1. It is not good practice to spot treat the obvious areas of ageing such as crow’s feet or deeper lines in the nasal labial area.
2. Good, balanced and undetectable anti-ageing is achieved when the practitioner takes the whole face into account.
3. Did you know the temples hollow out with age and a little filler can dramatically balance out a pointy chin?
4. A little Botox in the tip of the nose can lift a prematurely drooping nose.
Memo to the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills- modern and undetectable anti-ageing is all about proportion and a total anti-ageing plan. Skin-care, fillers, muscle relaxants, laser and genetics all come together for the best results! For our own celebrity style make over, we were placed in the very capable hands of Dr Natasha Cook, arguably the most often quoted Dermatologist and Anti-Ageing expert in the country.
We loved the care and consideration given to the process. First, a 30 minute appointment where the HOYS results were used in conjunction with Dr Cook’s own consultation and experience to determine an anti-aging plan. Dr Natasha Cook takes lifestyle, age, ideal outcome and reality into account when making an assessment and plan- don’t go to her if you want to look like a trout or porn star.
Natasha Cook is all about gorgeous, undetectable results that make you look and feel instantly younger. 2 weeks after the first appointment, we returned to what can only be described as a discreet yet transformative lunch-time ‘make over’. A little Botox here, a little filler there and hey presto, we saw a subtle yet unmistakable improvement to our quest for youth. Looking less tired, fresher and some people have even said ‘absolutely glowing’ after 30 minutes in the chair, is what we call an incredible outcome. Not even our mother (eagle eyes!) has been able to put their finger on what has changed only that we look remarkably well.
That’s what we call a job well done!
For more information please contact:
Elizabeth Ryan in HOYS Product Development.
Phone: 03 9826 4966
Dr Natasha Cook’s Practice Macquarie St Dermatology
139 Macquarie St. Sydney
Phone : 02 92472887