If it’s getting down to the single digits outside and you’ve cranked up the heat like you’re living on the equator, you may be creating a severe dent in your gas and electricity bills- not to mention the ozone layer. There are easy and completely affordable ways to save on your energy bills as well as staying snug as a bug in a rug this winter!
6 Top Tips to Save on Your Energy Bills:
1. Turn Off Appliances:
This can’t be said enough. And no, I don’t mean putting the TV on standby! You’ll be amazed by the savings you can make by simply switching off household appliances. The microwave, DVD player, computer and home phone; anything with electronic clocks or those pesky flashing lights are sapping your electricity. Switch them off at the wall to maximize savings. As much as 20% of your bill can result from ‘energy leaks’ or appliances on standby mode. Additionally you can switch off the lights in any room you aren’t using. Lamps, ceiling lights , outdoor lights and pool lights may look great but nothing says ambience like candle light (just make sure to snuff them out before you go to sleep!). Or to make your night in at the movies realistic, you can kill two birds with one stone and make do with the light from the screen, right?
2. Insulate your Hot-Water Heater:
Did you know if your heater is warm to the touch, you are wasting power? Good insulation is an inexpensive investment and it can save you up to 10% on your monthly bill. Consult an expert beforehand.
3. Buy a Space Heater:
This uses the same logic as turning off the lights in rooms you aren’t using. Why heat a room if there’s nobody in there to enjoy it? Invest in a portable heater you can move from the lounge room to the bedroom and you’re savings account will thank you.
4. Use cold water to wash your clothes:
Did you know that over 90% of the energy used by your washing machine comes from heating the water. Washing your clothes in cold water produces the same results, only cheaper. Also, when possible use a clothes horse or clothes line to dry your clothing.
5. Air dry your dishes:
Before you go into cardiac arrest- I’m not talking about doing the dishes by hand! Dishwashers waste a lot of power drying the dishes. You can simply open the door of the dishwasher after the wash cycle is complete. Believe it or not the dishes will dry on their own and you can watch your savings grow! And only use when you have a full load – not just the breakfast dishes.
6. Close doors, windows and curtains when trying to keep heat in:
Keep doors to cold rooms (like kitchens, bathrooms and laundries) closed. This can prevent up to 75% of total heat loss from a home. Keep ugg boots handy when entering this freezing terrain! Stop draughts by sealing unused chimneys with chimney dampers, sealing gaps around doors, and switching off range hoods and exhaust fans.
Top Energy Guzzlers: Microwave, Clothes Dryer, Hair Dryer, Vacuum, Plasma TV, Large Refrigerator, Electric Kettle, Swimming Pool Pump
6 Ways to Feel the Cold Less, For Less!
If your idea of a nightmare is turning off the hot shower water on a cold winter’s night only to find your dressing down is (what feels like) miles from your grasp – follow these tips to keep you toasty from head to toe all winter long.
Exercise/get in shape:
20 minutes of vigorous exercise can warm you up and keep you warm well after the exercise session. Did you know a healthy body is generally more tolerant of the cold?
Cuddle up:
If Twilight has taught us anything, we should all know the living body of any warm-blooded being is a furnace unto itself. Then again, a hot water bottle is always a convenient substitute.
Layers, people!:
Believe it or not you don’t actually have to buy a Snuggie to keep warm around the house. Get out the all thermals, woolen jumpers, scarves, shawls, ponchos, beanies and those ski socks you own and get your layer on. In addition to your body, add extra blankets to your bed, or a throw to the sofa.
Venture Elsewhere:
Spend time in a location that is heated at no cost to you. Genius! Library anyone?
Put down a rug or carpet:
An inexpensive rug is the perfect way to cosy up any room. Just lay off the shagpile…