By Yasmin Boland
You truly need to believe in yourself and then do whatever it takes to chase your dreams this month. You have extra powerful Stars but sitting around being meek and mild isn’t going to get you anywhere. You need to be pro-active and assertive. At home, a new chapter is beginning. If you want things to be different there, act now.
Pretty much your best day for romance in November (but enjoy all of it!): November 27
Also very big news for everyone this month is the New Moon eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius. We all have Sagittarius somewhere in our chart, and that’s where doors will be opening for us under this eclipse. Eclipses are like portals to the future. It’s up to us if we choose to go through the doors they open up!
The doors which are swinging open for you: Your home life is about to change. Perhaps you’ve been living at home and you’re about to move in with friends. Or you’ve been living with friends and have decides to get a place on your own, or move in with your partner. The property market might be temporarily stuffed, but your stars suggest this could be an awesome time to invest, if you can afford it to it without mortgaging yourself to the absolute hilt. There’s also a restart due for you with your family now – particularly good news if you haven’t been getting on too well with your folks. Use July/August to make amends.
The November New Moon eclipse takes place in Sagittarius on November 25 @ 5.09pm AEDT
PS If you’ve been doing so much that you’re starting to feel rundown, Mars visit to your sign this month is going to bring you the boost you need. Mars is the planet of action and determination, and as he moves through your sign over the next few weeks, you can expect to have both of those qualities in truckloads. Do pace yourself – Mars likes to go full pelt 100% of the time but that’s not possible for most mere mortals. Also watch your tongue – no point in exhausting yourself by arguing! Sex drive = on the up and up.
Also – a note for your diary: Mercury goes retrograde on November 24 and stays that way until well into December. More on what that means for you next month.
For your Daily Horoscope, please visit Yasmin Boland’s moonology