There are two key events happening at the moment that are going to re-shape the financial landscape and potentially impact many Australians, so it is vitally important more so now than ever to be in the driver’s seat when it comes to your money and personal finances. Firstly, the JobKeeper payment scheme is ending in late March which has been the lifeline for many businesses and individuals alike. And secondly many Australians are coming off their Mortgage Deferral Period and need to start servicing their loans again.
Both these events are going to impact people’s cash flow and their ability to meet their financial commitments and need to face the reality of their financial situation.
What is showing up in our external environment is often a direct reflection of what is going on internally for us, and where money is concerned it can often be around self-value and self-worth.
Melissa Meagher

Imagine for a moment…
- You are in the situation where money is no longer a worry for you and your family – which frees up head space and energy to focus on other areas
- There is always money allocated for Bills when they arrive, and you don’t even skip a beat before paying them
- You are thriving – there is clarity, awareness and efficiency with money, and you smile every time you check your bank account
A common misconception we often tell ourselves is:
This is simply not true and can prevent us from experiencing real financial freedom.
With this scenario we are looking for an external solution or ‘fix’ our problem which is giving away our power and shifting the responsibility and blame away from ourselves to someone or something else.
Sound familiar – we have all been there!
More often than not, we are trying to solve an internal problem with an external solution!
What is showing up in our external environment is often a direct reflection of what is going on internally for us, and where money is concerned it can often be around self-value and self-worth.
Something to ponder on next time you think or hear that statement coming out of your mouth.
Ask me how I know!
I personally experienced this in different areas of my life for many years until I decided to make a conscious decision to reclaim my power and investigate what the hell was going on!
What you actually need is a plan because MONEY LOVES A PLAN!
What I absolutely know to be true is if you pull the curtain back and really shine the light on your finances there are unknown treasures to behold!
This is also something that is completely within your control and can really put you on the path to financial freedom – to understand what makes up your Money Pot and Know Your Numbers is truly liberating!
Often, we shy away from looking at our finances because we are fearful of what we might (or not) find, but this is in fact keeping us small and preventing us from stepping fully into out power.
A client of mine recently discovered $4,200 from checking one Bank Statement!!
And once you have this information, you are then in the position to make educated and informed decisions around where and what you spend your money on.
Imagine for a moment…
- You are building the greatest life possible – there is money available for lifestyle and you are regularly enjoying your heart desires
- There are cash reserves in the bank – relying on Credit Cards are a thing of the past
- Your relationship with money has never felt so good – you feel empowered and intentional with your decision making
- There is a lightness of being and joy with how you feel about money
If you are ready to implement your Personal Money Plan for 2021 and experience true financial freedom without having to make more money, I would love to catch up for a Strategy Session – link to book – I am here to support YOU!
Until next time take care
Melissa xox
If financial literacy creates the road to a more enriched life, Melissa Meagher is laying the tarmac. Her passion for finance combined with a desire to educate women and couples about money management will empower us to make financial decisions with confidence.